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Winter Gold
To stop by fields where mustard buds
To buy mandarins grapefruit and loquats
Where sugarcane is squeezed in a machine
To extract its green-brown juice to be drunk
Seasoned with black salt and lemon juice
And see slim poplars growing row on row
Young and erect planted in strict straight lines
Leaves turning gold in sub-Himalayan winter
And choose to drink some golden orange juice
Before sunset secure cushioned in love
Layer upon layer of unoppressive warmth
Shored up against the chilly evenings coming
To talk and laugh and choose to waste your time
Knowing hot soup and toast wait by the fire
To store this in your heart not just your mind
To fill your senses glut them with this joy.

Amita Sarjit Ahluwalia is one of the various pen names used by Punjab-born, Patna-based, retired Indian bureaucrat Amita Paul , who has , of late begun to be recognised on various digital platforms for her original writings in different genres, in English, Urdu, Hindi and Punjabi .Her writings are imaginative, humane, socially relevant, ecologically sensitive and public- spirited, with occasional flashes of humour ranging from sharp satire to gentle ribbing of her indulgent readers.
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